

Preaching & Teaching

There are opportunities for men to teach during Sunday Bible class.  Our pastor preaches the majority of sermons. His style is expository preaching. Mid-week groups are held in members’ homes and provide both teaching and fellowship.

Children’s Ministry

Children are welcome to stay with parents throughout the Sunday Service or attend Sunday School classes. An unsupervised Nursery Room is available at all times.

Vacation Bible School runs the last week of August and is a much anticipated highlight for many! See VBS page.

Book Tent Ministry

You may have seen our book tent at local events like the Richmond Fair, Carp Fair and Stittsville’s “Arts in the Park”. We seek to educate and edify people through the sale of doctrinally sound books.  However, what gives us most joy is to talk with visitors and present the gospel when opportunity arises.

Music Ministry

Our worship springs from a vibrant  joyfulness for the riches of God’s grace, yet is conducted in a way that brings honour to His most Holy Name. We pay careful attention to the biblical content and musical quality of the hymns we sing.


About 25% of our budget goes to supporting missionaries overseas and in Canada.  Our Missions Committee dispenses this support, provides news about those we support and involves the congregation in projects that materially help the work of missions. We are a small church but have a long reach.

Women’s Ministry

Women have the opportunity to grow in God’s grace & truth together through a monthly home fellowship & Bible study. There is also an annual Women’s Retreat  in May run by the Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada.

Tract Ministry

Grace Baptist Church is active in passing out gospel tracts in our community. We have delivered gospel tracts thousands of times to homes in Stittsville, Munster and Richmond. We also hand out gospel tracts at Canada Day events and encourage personal evangelism.